Last Friday, the day before Finn’s due date, we decided, “THIS is the weekend!” Sona didn’t want to have to go back to work on Monday, over-due and over-swollen, and our impatience had hit its limits. We were ready for our baby boy!
So, we did what any sane person would do: we tried every superstitions old wives’ tale that we found online, hoping that one of them would lead to labor.
I made the famous Scalini’s Family Restaurant labor-inducing eggplant parmesan (which did lead to immediate abdominal and back pain), we ate papaya, we ate spicy food, we went on several long walks. Let’s just say: we were READY.
Sunday afternoon, we ended up at the hospital, and Monday, after a very long 24 hours of labor (don’t worry, that story is coming!), the love of our lives made his appearance.
On August 10, 2015, at 2:48 PM, our son was born, weighing in at 7.14 lbs and measuring 22” long. He’s perfect, and he’s OURS. And we couldn’t possibly love him more.