Back on the Wagon

Sometimes, living life gets in the way of blogging about life, and that has been happening a lot, lately.

We’re finally getting our sea legs, figuring out how to do this whole mommy thing with both of us back to work full-time, but it’s taken us nearly a month to adjust.


Truth is, we’ve just been crazy busy. And I could’ve blogged, if I wanted to, but I would have had to sacrifice something to do it: exercising (yes, yes, we’re back on THAT wagon, too), play time, cooking, showering, etc. Weekday evenings are no joke.

Yet, here I am. Alive! On a weekday evening! With a few minutes to spare! It’s a miracle, I tell ya.

So, what’s been going on with us, lately? Not much new. We’re still on the hunt for a house. Us mommas have started MyFitnessPal, again. We’re all adjusting to the nanny situation pretty well. My parents just left after a week-long visit. Our 15 year anniversary is this week (we celebrated with dinner while the rents were in town). Our first big family vacay is in a month. We’ve discovered that we can get our favorite donuts delivered to our doorstep (this conflicts a bit with the MFP thing).  Ya know–the usual.


Finn will be 6 months old this week, which is CRAZY. He can roll over, but he’s pretty lazy about it. We have to motivate him with an iPhone. Speaking of the iPhone, we seriously need to start hiding ours from this kid, because he is OBSESSED. And that’s without our actively trying to engage him with it. He’s obsessed with all screens, actually. Right this second, he’s sitting beside me, watching me type. He was having a fit, begging me to see the computer screen. Once again, we are waiting for that Moms of the Year award to come in the mail. Any day now, right?

He’s still cute as ever, though, and we are enjoying him more and more. This is a really fun age, and his personality is revealing itself a bit more each day.


I plan to be better about blogging, and a lot of that has to do with finding a little more time for myself. It’ll happen, I know.

But, for now, I better run. There’s a baby who needs bathed. A wife who needs attention. A new Jamie Oliver recipe that needs tested. An episode of Jane the Virgin that needs watched.

Life is busy, for sure, but it is also GOOD.


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