Finn is 6 Months Old!

month 6

This child has been alive for half a year. How can that be? My astonishment at his rapid growth is becoming cliche, by now. But really, people, I’m amazed. It’s the strangest paradox: on one hand, I can’t imagine what life was like without him; on the other hand, I can’t believe we’ve already known him for half a year.

As I type, he’s screeching at me from his play mat, which he has suddenly decided that he doesn’t like. He doesn’t like being flat on his back, now, for whatever reason. He’s constantly straining his little abdominal muscles, trying his best to sit up. We call them baby crunches, and they are HILARIOUS.

He also doesn’t like being alone. For a while, he was great at playing independently, but now he won’t let us out of his sight. I’ve read a good bit about Wonder Week 26, and this is one of the most notable changes that typically happens around this age. I’ll write more about that later in the week, though.

6 months is proving to be a very fun age. He’s more interactive than ever. He wants to be involved in everything we do. Go everywhere we go. Eat everything we eat.

He’s eating a lot more, now. We’re giving him a mini-meal of solids each day. He recently SMASHED  a bowl of sweet potatoes with cinnamon. And he eats bites of whatever we are eating. We’re trying to do some version of baby-led weaning. Mostly, we just want him eating everything “the adults” eat. (Granted, these adults eat donuts on a pretty regular basis.) But we’re struggling a bit with the whole letting-him-feed-himself thing. Let’s just say that, the first couple of times we tried it, we had food everywhere but in his mouth.

He went swimming for the first time, yesterday, and he loved it. We’ve been going on more walks, lately, braving the cold. He’s a champ. His ability to reach for things–and really hold on–has improved dramatically. He’s standing with just a tiny bit of assistance, but he shows little interest in being on his tummy long enough to resemble any pre-crawling stance. The nanny keeps saying he’ll walk, soon. He’s obsessed with cell phones, thanks to Mimi and Pops allowing him to play with theirs during their visit a couple of weeks ago. So, now, we’re doing our  best to hide them from him. It doesn’t always work.

His eyes are a deep hazel. His hair is growing–fuzzy and light. His wrists have developed little, delicious rolls.

Everything about him is delicious, really, and we just can’t get enough.


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