Finn Turned 3!

This past Friday, August 10th, was Finn’s 3rd birthday. How we have already had this little soul in our lives for three full years, I’ll never know.

I would say that, so far, the past year of Finn’s life has been my favorite. Although the terrible twos get a pretty bad rap, we rather enjoyed it. (In fact, for us, one was MUCH harder than two.)

Don’t get me wrong, I love babies, but there is something so special about being able to watch Finn’s little personality blossom. Now, we have full-on conversations, as he is a total Chatty Kathy, and his silly-sweet self is so full of life. Spending time with him is–most of the time–really, really fun.

Like we’ve done every year, we spent his birthday together as a family and did a day of favorites (which, to me, is still better than any kind of party): we woke up to presents and balloons, had sprinkle-laden pancakes, went to the beach, chased seagulls, ate popsicles from the popsicle cart, sat in our dripping swimsuits and ate pizza al fresco, and ended the day with a giant ice cream sundae, which Finn much prefers to cake.

Then, on Saturday, we actually did have a birthday party–Finn’s first. Since Elias has been consuming a lot of our time and attention these past couple of weeks, we wanted to make sure that Finn’s birthday was properly celebrated, and the party did the trick.

Here are a bunch of photos from Finn’s 3rd birthday weekend. I can’t believe we’ve already made it 3 years, but what a wonderful 3 years it has been!


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