Stuff We’re Crushing On, Lately

I know, I know–stuff is just stuff. But there is some stuff that makes life easier, especially life with a tot.

We were told to register for lots and lots of stuff while pregnant with Finn. Everyone had recommendations for something that we “must have,” and we  found dozens of checklists, urging us to buy this many onesies and that many bottles.

As first-time parents who wanted to be (over)prepared, we, of course, got completely caught up in the hype. So, we over-bought, and we likely could’ve gotten by with much less.

Still, there are some things that have been incredibly useful–or fun, or convenient, or sanity-saving. And, as Finn grows and we find uses for new things, I’ll share what gizmos and gadgets are most-used and most-loved through each stage.

Here’s what I’m loving, lately:

  1. Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play


This is the #1 thing that other moms recommended when we were pregnant. Several people told us this was a life-saver. So, we registered for it. Then, we ended up with several sleeper-like things and, in an attempt to limit redundancies, we decided to return the Rock n’ Play.

Fast forward to the first week of Finn’s life. We had been home 2 days, and Finn was not sleeping in the Nuna, which is what we’d planned. So, as I’ve mentioned on the blog before, I used the Amazon Now app to order the Rock n’ Play at 5AM one morning. Three hours later, it was delivered, and Finn slept soundly in it for the first 7 weeks of his life.

We transitioned to the crib 10 days ago, but we plan to still use the Rock n’ Play for naps and chill time. The mommas were right, y’all; this thing saved our life.


2. Zip-Front Sleepers


Dear g-d, we never could have anticipated how much time we’d spend snapping buttons on sleepers after a gazillion late-night diaper changes. You think that 2 minutes of button snapping won’t completely ruin your life? Think again.

So, when we happened upon these zip-front sleepers, we quickly realized that they saved us a lot of time. What’s more, we don’t have to clumsily fumble through a mysterious maze of snaps at 3AM.

There are plenty of brands that sell similar PJs, but we have several of these ON ones, which are relatively inexpensive.


3. Baby K’tan Baby Carrier


We have three baby-wearing things: the Ergo, the Moby, and the Baby K’tan. We get a lot of use out of the Ergo, and it’s the best for long-distance walking and carrying.

The Moby, which is all fabric, is more comfortable for wearing around the house. However, we’ve run into two issues with it: First, it’s a little complicated to put on, especially if you are by yourself. For those who haven’t seen it before, it’s basically a 10-foot long piece of fabric that, when folded in half and twisted a thousand ways, can be manipulated into a carrier. Because it’s so long, it’s a little unwieldy.

More specifically, though, it is just uncomfortable for me, as I’m, well, round. The tie doesn’t fit me nearly as well as it fits Sona.

Because I wanted something to wear comfortably and easily at home, I went in search of another carrier. Enter: the Baby K’tan. I was immediately drawn to the fact that the K’tan is looped and goes on like an infinity scarf. There’s no elaborate knots to tie, and you can throw it on very quickly.

I also love that it comes in various sizes; it’s not one-size-fits-all. Now, I can wear Finn without fearing that he’s being smothered between my larger-than-average boobs.

Since we got it a week or so ago, we’ve used it every single day.

4. Lavender Oil


I’ve alluded to this before, but our little dude went through a pretty fussy phase. Luckily, he seems to be calming. For a while, though, we just wanted him to chill the *@$! out. (It had to be said.)

One thing that seems to help him relax is lavender oil. We’ve used it since he was an itty bitty, mostly in the evenings. Or when he was freaking. Or when momma was just plain desperate.

We use it a few ways. Mainly, we put it in diffusers all around the house. He has a diffuser in his nursery, which we turn on about 30 minutes before bedtime each evening. We also put a few drops of the oil in his bath water or dab a drop on his chest before sleepytime.

Maybe it’s all placebo. And maybe it calms the mommies more than it calms Finn. Either way, we keep on using it, and we think it works.

5. Halo Micro-fleece Swaddle


I’ve sung this swaddle’s praises before, but it’s magic warrants an encore.

You know that commercial where Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard hurriedly race to wash their daughter’s bunny, panicking that her one security item is soiled? Yeah, that’s how we are with this swaddle.

Sure, we have a drawer full of a dozen swaddles, but this is the only one that seems to work consistently. I think the micro-fleece is what does the trick. Because it’s not stretchy–like most of our other swaddles–Finn can’t wiggle his way out of it. So, instead of spending all night fighting the swaddle, he spends all night sleeping snugly.

These are just a few of the things that have made the first couple months of Finn’s life a little easier. What are some of your baby faves?

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