Finn Is 3 Months!

Finn month 3

You guys: Finn is 3 months old! That means that he is no longer a newborn. A piece of my heart just died a little.

Our baby is getting SO big! He’s finally starting to outgrow his 0-3 months clothes, and we’ve just started packing up a box of stuff that no longer fits. (Insert sad face.)

He has become a very good sleeper, and he often sleeps 10 hour stretches at night. He still hates bedtime, though. So, we let him fall alseep in bed while breastfeeding, and then we transfer him to his crib. That habit will have to end, soon.

His appetite is huge, and he still eats every 2-3 hours. He mostly just breastfeeds at night, now, when Sona gets home from work. The rest of the day, he’s really good at taking bottles.

He smiles and laughs constantly, especially when his mommies talk to him. He really loves to be talked to, and he makes all kinds of adorable squeaks, trying to talk back.

He’s chilled out a ton, and now he’s good at playing independently for a bit or sitting in his MamaRoo while we do work around the house.

If the TV is on, he turns his head to watch it (teenager). He still hates his car seat and screams most of the time he’s in it. He’s tasted a few things–because Momma can’t help herself. He’s obsessed with his hands, and he’s very close to sucking his thumb. He has very strong legs, a good grip, and he drools incessantly.

We love him so much, and he gets more fun–and more interactive–all of the time!


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